Saturday, August 23, 2008


Well I can't tell you how happy I am to post this particular post. Many of you know about my friend Buzz and his struggle with lymph node cancer. Many of you have been kind enough to send him cards and have lifted him up in prayer when I asked. As of August 18, 2008 he got a clean bill of health from his surgeon at Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania!!!This is what we have all been praying and hoping for and our prayers have been answered. I cannot thank you all enough for every little kind thought and prayer you had for Buzz and every single card you sent to him when he faced so many challenges this past year. Geez... it's now 3 am here and I am so happy I can't even begin to sleep. I wish I could talk to him right now because I found this all out on his website and you know I gotta now have 100 questions to ask. I seriously now need to talk to him to find out everything. I'm not sure if he's eating normally again or if he still has the feeding tube or how things are going but I do that that he is debuting his new band, JAZZ IN PASTEL, on August 29 in New Jersey. Greg and I won't be going to that show because it's a bit far for us with Greg working, however Buzz will be here near our hometown on September 6 and we will be going that night to see him live with his new band and it will be soooo good to see him behind the drums again. We even are invited to the post-gig party afterwards!!! He has lots of new things happening in his life. He is back to living at full speed. Now the problem is trying to catch him. When he was so ill and could not even think of eating the Quiznos commercials drove him nuts. He wanted to eat a Quiznos sandwich in the worst way. I told him then I would be his Quiznos girl and when he could eat I would treat him to a Quiznos sandwich, so I'm really anxious to see if he can eat and then take him for a treat and watch him just sink that whole sandwich!!! So thank you, each and every one of you that sent a card, said a prayer, emailed me with encouragement or just thought about him sometime during your day. We rug hookers are a strong bond and together with the power of prayer I think God heard us.....I KNOW God heard us and he answered our prayers. Here are some great pictures of Buzz that you'll enjoy. Blessings my friends.............Cyndi